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Anonymous 2010/09/22 (Wed) 22:08:18 No. 258  
File : EFG.gif - 400 x 400 (3.12 KB) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
3.12 KB

Dear nigrachan,
Did y'all spam us with 9 pages of random crap? Have a feeling someone was trying to frame y'all and start a chan-war? Lol epic fail by whoever did spam us.


Anonymous 2010/09/22 (Wed) 22:33:27 No. 259

p.s. not hating, or accusing, j.w. :D

Anonymous 2010/09/23 (Thu) 13:14:58 No. 260

But mr. V0rch3-pretending-to-be-anonymous-sama, we DID spam you with random crap!

Anonymous 2010/09/23 (Thu) 14:46:30 No. 261

lol plz vorche wouldn't care enough to come ask if y'all spammed or not...this is one of the other admins...why do you keep spamming my board?

Anonymous 2010/09/23 (Thu) 15:09:33 No. 262

Because you're a bunch of faggots with unwarranted self importance.

Anonymous 2010/09/23 (Thu) 15:15:50 No. 263
File : derp_4_.jpg - 500 x 312 (26.96 KB) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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lolk well good luck with that ;)

Anonymous 2010/09/23 (Thu) 15:29:01 No. 264

Our quest will be never ending. Be prepared.

Admin : DerpLulz!aN1kwHiIpE 2010/09/23 (Thu) 16:10:00 No. 265
File : 1259013086364durr.jpg - 1676 x 1025 (323.33 KB) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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No. Might have been asdfchan, they have an /i/ and everything.

Anonymous 2010/09/24 (Fri) 07:24:55 No. 266
File : UGHH09FSTS.jpg - 398 x 400 (16.22 KB) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
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kkkchan uses ib4f (epic fail). bunch of lil faggets like to hack and spam ppl's boards. kkkchan will be destroyed and so is vorche << extra homo

Anonymous 2010/09/24 (Fri) 08:09:10 No. 267

Not to mention that KKKchan users are from Funnyjunk, a site which does basically what Ebaumsworld does: steals Anonymous' images and earns jewgold on them.

Also, asdfchan is irrelevant to mention, because it's a 711chan clone which has like 5 users, lololol.

Anonymous 2010/09/24 (Fri) 16:21:50 No. 268

asdfchan? >.<

Anonymous 2010/09/25 (Sat) 16:40:15 No. 269


Anonymous 2010/10/07 (Thu) 14:52:05 No. 277

i love having sex with gay jews like myself-visitt my webpage for hot jewish gay sex-even if you are an angry white boy

Anonymous 2010/10/10 (Sun) 08:37:31 No. 279

Lol'd. Best spam ever.

Anonymous 2010/11/27 (Sat) 13:29:29 No. 393

thought kkkchan was dead

Anonymous 2010/11/27 (Sat) 21:41:03 No. 395

stupid sand niggers

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