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New here. Anonymous 2011/01/10 (Mon) 10:09:44 No. 878  [Reply] [Expand Thread]
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I come from a distant land you all once knew. I come from /b/ of 4chan. The cancer is killing /b/ and it is in a state of complete turmoil. I came here for refuge from that which is destroying the internet. Will you allow me here?

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Anonymous 2011/01/21 (Fri) 21:59:56 No. 966

Same here OP, get banned recently for calling a few peruvians "niggers", mods implyied I was a /new/ survivor and b& me... Even moderators have turned into cancer; fucking moot is an asshole, everything is unfunny and even moral shit, stupid same discussions about atheism and religion, advice dog everywhere, I'm out from there. But I can't expect to found a similar place as 4chan/b/ used to be and that's what I really am looking for, so it's not easy... There are lots of chans, but with very few visitors and it gets boring, I feel like I'm lurking a ghost website where none even answers... It's sad, so sad... I'm such a newfag to get tired already of 4chan, but that's it, in the very last few years it has become something terrible.
I've been lurking nigra for a few months, this is my first post here, lets see what happens.

Anonymous 2011/01/22 (Sat) 00:06:24 No. 968
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You can always find some active boards, some come and go, but 4 chan definitely has the most action.. hence, it's utter lameness.

Anonymous 2011/01/22 (Sat) 00:27:10 No. 969

I'll take a look, thanks

Cherry Anonymous 2011/01/21 (Fri) 18:06:52 No. 964  [Reply]
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Anonymous 2011/01/21 (Fri) 18:08:45 No. 965
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My Wife Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 18:28:54 No. 933  [Reply] [Expand Thread]
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She's Ready

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Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 17:06:30 No. 957

that's funny, it reminds me of your mom too.

Anonymous 2011/01/20 (Thu) 18:49:05 No. 958


Anonymous 2011/01/21 (Fri) 16:09:25 No. 961
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You think she likes anal?

I hope so.

Anonymous 2011/01/18 (Tue) 11:59:56 No. 954  [Reply]
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Non extremists beliber fail just as badly as belieber extremists.

Stop using the Internet to try to change his mind about the gnomes. I believe in gnomes, that does not make me stupid or tree Hamper makes you a spider expert at something, to call me and millions of others.Yeah I believe in gnomes, but I also believe in the freedom to do what I want and think about how I want to without discrimination.Besides all know that little beliebering kicks ass, because we beliebers David, the best person airwolfing ever.And if your not belieber also like David than your airwolfing hypocrite! So it's not a gift for you!

Anonymous 2011/01/17 (Mon) 10:40:56 No. 949  [Reply]
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toughts on the porcupine?

Anonymous 2010/09/06 (Mon) 22:31:30 No. 233  [Reply] [Expand Thread]
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Anonymous 2010/12/20 (Mon) 22:21:56 No. 798

What happened to blaming Clinton?

Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 15:58:07 No. 929
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Trillions in debt, taxes beyond belief, 20% rise in health insurance (so far), drugs & illegals pouring across the border, amnesty for illegals, socialized heathcare that leaves MILLIONS uninsured, failed bid for the Olympics, and the US despised around the world. Those are the facts, & America you got what you voted for...CONGRATS! (and NO, I'm NOT a republican).

Anonymous 2011/01/13 (Thu) 16:07:31 No. 930

...oh yeah, lets not forget real estate prices plumeting, people losing their retirements, and unemployment hovering around 10% when Obama spent TWO TRILLION DOLLARS saying that would keep it at 5%. God help us.

Anonymous 2011/01/12 (Wed) 15:13:07 No. 891  [Reply]
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polar bears with soap

Anonymous 2011/01/12 (Wed) 15:14:01 No. 892
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Anonymous 2011/01/12 (Wed) 15:15:19 No. 893
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Funny Shit Anonymous 2010/09/11 (Sat) 11:26:51 No. 250  [Reply] [Expand Thread]
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Derp Derp laugh time!
<a href="http://www.hahafunnyshit.com" target="_blank">Funny Shit</a>

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Anonymous 2010/09/13 (Mon) 21:48:57 No. 252

That woman has a very big beaver.

Beaver? Anonymous 2010/10/12 (Tue) 15:38:09 No. 283

Its'a Wombat!

Anonymous 2011/01/11 (Tue) 06:30:15 No. 888

As an Ausfag, that is indeed a wombat

Anonymous 2010/12/25 (Sat) 05:54:52 No. 807  [Reply]
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My brothers I have come to you at the turn of the tide to deliver an important message

The corparate elites are close to claiming victory over the interents and all chans must do their part... even backwaters such you.

There was a time when the name anon meant something, a time when we were feared and our opinion could seal the fate of nations. A time when we took to the streets and shit became real for the man.

Head to the motherchans /b/ and charge lazors for maximum destruction.

Anonymous 2010/12/28 (Tue) 12:30:46 No. 823
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>a time when we were fearedour opinion could seal the fate of nation

>Seal the fate of nations
>Fate of nations


Help. Anonymous 2011/01/10 (Mon) 10:12:04 No. 879
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I feel bad /b/. Many of you have probably noticed the world today. How its not as good as it *could* be. How politicians are pushing their way into our lives while our lives are already being pushed by religion, international affairs, bullshit, and all that stuff. I've been on a lot of chans asking any for help. And I've noticed how a lot of people on here have been seeing this going on for a while. Come on /b/. You have the power as a collective to change something. I mean, Anon just hacked that Fine Gael site. Not to mention that stuff with Scientology and the tea party. /b/ is a force that can really change something, and does change things here and there but is largely motionless. You have the power /b/. Change the world as we know it today. It can be done. Think of Guy Fawkes, who is, essentially, the mascot of /b/. He was a "terrorist" who, even in a failed attempt managed to open people's eyes to what was wrong. And he changed things. /b/ can do exactly that. /b/ can do anything. so come on /b/. I promise I'm not trying to get a personal army. I'm just a disgruntled citizen of what used to be the United States of America, who knows that the power falls into those who control the media. /b/ controls the media. So /b/, Do it. Change it. Fix it. On behalf of us all.

Anonymous 2011/01/08 (Sat) 11:07:20 No. 875  [Reply]
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I leik KFC

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